Offend Your Way to Success

When you want to offend your way to success, find inspiration here.

In 2001 or 2002, a mentor advised me, "I think you need to cause controversy." Champions have used controversy to achieve success, so I know this strategy works.

Don't fear culture jaming the fundamentalists, because you might get them to display your ads. This worked for me, as I advertised my book The Seduction of Anita Sarkeesian on websites through the Beacon Ads Marketplace.

Many Beacon Ads webmasters denied my ads, but some webmasters approved my ads. Some webmasters let the ads run for awhile, then they took down the ads and refunded my money. Some webmasters allowed my ads to run for the full duration. I don't know their motivation. Maybe they didn't screen the ads. Maybe they needed the revenue, so they compromised their principles. Maybe they liked my antifeminism in spite of the erotica. What do you think? Whatever the case, I can rejoice that fundamentalists hosted my ads for some time.

You can see my impressions and clicks. Zero impressions usually signify the website in question declined the ads, though other factors can cause zero impressions. Review the screenshots below:

Beacon Ads Christian Advertising

Beacon Ads Bible Advertising

Beacon Ads Gospel Advertising

Beacon Ads emailed me saying the webmasters were approving my ads, removing them, then refunding me, and how this would continue to happen if I continued to submit my ads.

Beacon Ads did ban me. I couldn't log into my account, so I contacted their helpdesk to discover what happened. Read their reply below:

Christian Advertising Email

When you want to stick it to Fundamentalists to achieve success, apply this idea.

When you want to excite your life, choose Free Press Media Press's Marketing Plan:
Choose Free Press Media Press's Marketing Plan