Create a Shit List/Good List

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My 2nd consultant urged me to "focus on one thing," so I focused on marketing my Anita Sarkeesian Short Trilogy.

Knowing how this series tends to offend and outrage people, I decided to create a "Good List and Shit List" to track whom I offended and whom I persuaded as I have published and advertised this series. I created a handwritten version and an Excel version of this list. You can see the handwritten version here:

marketing shit list

Despite my tendency to polarize people and court controversy, I report that I have gained 81 foes/groups of foes and 164 allies/groups of allies. So it appears that the allies outnumber the foes! I declare victory!

When you want to track your campaigns, do what I did!

When you want to excite your life, choose Free Press Media Press's Marketing Plan:
Choose Free Press Media Press's Marketing Plan