Apply My Target Audience Research Tactics

When you want to research your customers, find inspiration here.

Like I mentioned in How to Get the Best Things in Life #freespeech, a former coworker suggested that I read Cosmo "to learn about women". I don't know if she was kidding or not, but after hesitating because I feared what people would think, I decided to follow her suggestion. So I started reading Cosmo.

I started to do this, because I have been seeking my soulmate. Then I realized I could read Cosmo to research my business's target audience. So I wanted to subscribe to Cosmo. They bundled an Elle subscription with it, thus I subscribed to both magazines for two years. I trust I am gaining wisdom in the spirit of Stephen Covey's 5th Habit of Highly Effective People: "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."

You can see my subscription cards:

Cosmo Magazine subscription card

Elle Magazine subscription card

I loved when Cosmo sent promotional copies of Cosmo for Latinas. Cosmo for Latinas empowered me to bullseye focus on my target audience.

After two years, I decided my learning plateaued and I wanted to reduce expenses, so I moved on.

A couple years later, I realized I can learn for free and pinpoint my focus by subscribing to email newsletters. So I subscribed to the Brown Girl Magazine, Myleik Teele, Jess Catorc, and xoNecole email newsletters.

When you need to research your customers, adapt this idea.

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