Choose the YP Directory & Other Phone Books to Find Marketing Contacts

When you want to use phone books to find marketing contacts, find inspiration here.

During downtime when I either could not access the internet or did not have permission to access the internet, I have used phone books to search for advertising and marketing contacts.

I focused on finding churches for advertising Jim Rohn and Other Motivators Vs. John Piper and Other Calvinists, Let's Use Free Speech to Ponder John Piper and His Reformed Theology, and my other books. I love to integrate churches into my marketing campaigns.

I also found contacts using headings such as "Newspapers," "Magazines," "Taxidermists," "Schools," "Bowling Alleys," "Recreational Vehicle Parks," "Entertainment Adult," "Business Coaches and Consultants," "Chamber of Commerces," "Associations," "Clubs," and "Political Organizations." I searched the White Pages sections for keywords like "Maverick" and "free speech."

I used Austin phone books. I also used a Lago Vista/Jonestown (TX) phone book and a Marble Falls(TX) phone book. My mom gave me two San Antonio phone books.

You can see an Austin phone book I used:

Austin TX Yellow Pages Directory

You can see an envelope waiting in my outbox that I addressed to a place called "We Promise You a Rose Garden" that I found in a San Antonio phone book:

Letter to We Promise You a Rose Garden

When you want to maximize your downtime, apply this idea.

When you want to excite your life, choose Free Press Media Press's Marketing Plan:
Choose Free Press Media Press's Marketing Plan